Beginner's Fly Tying Kit contains everything you need to get started Tying Fies
Fly Tying instruction pamphlet guides you through a dry fly, wet fly, streamer & nymph
A great way to get started tying flies
Sample fly patterns keep you on track and visualize your final product
Fly Tying adds a completely new dimension to fly fishing
It is not difficult to tie flies, nor should it be expensive to learn how to tie properly. Many beginners make the mistake of buying a large assortment of tools and materials, or, a fly tying kit with a colorful array of odds and ends which do not do a specific job. When you learn how to tie flies there should be a purpose. Namely, to tie the flies that will also be effective when fished. The booklet included with the Beginner's Fly Tying Kit describes how to tie four types of flies (Dries, wets, streamers and nymphs) which you will be able to use during the fishing season. Each of the patterns has been specifically selected so that you can go on to other patterns in the category with little difficulty. The requirements you will need shall be basic. If, after you have mastered certain fundamentals, you wish to purchase other tools and materials by all means do so. For now, all you will need are included in the Beginner's Fly Tying Kit. The Kit includes: Instruction booklet, fly tying vise, bobbin, hackle pliers, scissors, sample fly patterns, assorted Tiemco hooks, head cement, tinsel, floss, tying thread, assorted chenille, peacock, Metz Dry Fly Hackle, assorted marabou, mallard flank feathers, deer body hair, strung saddle hackle, assorted dubbing, calf hair, turkey quill, and bucktail pieces.
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