8 Year Limited Manufacturers Warranty
The Hydra Rib 930 is designed for use in elementary schools, recreation centers and as a nice residential unit. This unit can be easily be set up and taken down in seconds by one person. The pole system and backboard tip back for easy movement on built-i
The information above regarding this Hydra Rib 930 48 Inch Portable Basketball Hoop is as of 9-11-2005. Please click through for current information and availability. Click here to comment on this featured Hydra Rib 930 48 Inch Portable Basketball Hoop or any other Huffy Basketball Goals or to simply post a comment or article related to sporting goods.
In addition to the Hydra Rib 930 48 Inch Portable Basketball Hoop on this page and other merchandise in the category of "Huffy Basketball Goals", we offer a number of other Basketball Goals products, as well as a broad line of sporting goods in general.