Night Owl Camera Adapter

Sporting Goods > Binoculars > Night Owl Binoculars > Item 57

Night Owl Camera Adapter
by Night Owl Optics

Allows photography with 35mm SLR cameras.
Replaces the ocular lens
Product Description The Night Owl Camera Adapter NOCA42 allows you to attach your Night Owl vision minoculars to your 35mm SLR camera. It replaces the ocular lens and is compatible with the following Night Owl products: NOCC3, NOCP5, NOCX2, NOCX3, NOCX3M, NOCX3T, NOCX5, NOCX5M, NODS2, NODS3, NODS3T, NODS5, NOLT3, NOXB3, NOXG2
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