Curveball pitching machine with patented gooseneck design, allows you to throw any type of pitch; quick and easy speed adjustment, portable and easy to move, non-marking pneumatic tires, throw baseballs, tennis balls, Lite-Flite® balls, simulates left and right-handed pitches, swivel-design base casting for 360-degree movement for fly balls, ground balls and pop-ups
Backyard Batting Cage Net #7, #1500 twine 11 ft x 11 ft x 65 ft
Outdoor frame for Cage Net #7
Outdoor installation kit
Seven Footer® L-shaped screen
The Jugs® Jason Giambi Backyard Baseball Training Package allows you to consistently practice and perfect your swings with any type of pitch, in your own backyard. The package includes the curveball pitching machine, Backyard Batting Cage, an outdoor frame, a screen, ball basket, Sting-Free® baseballs and more.
The information above regarding this Jugs Jason Giambi Backyard Baseball Training Package is as of 9-11-2005. Please click through for current information and availability. Click here to comment on this featured Jugs Jason Giambi Backyard Baseball Training Package or any other Baseball Training Aids or to simply post a comment or article related to sporting goods.
In addition to the Jugs Jason Giambi Backyard Baseball Training Package on this page and other merchandise in the category of "Baseball Training Aids", we offer a number of other Baseball products, as well as a broad line of sporting goods in general.