The INCHWORM is a highly durable product developed using a silicone formula that gives it added strength and the ability to withstand damage caused by harmful sunlight. It can be installed in all shapes and sizes of racquets. Developed to accommodate narrow throat design racquets.
The information above regarding this Forten - Inch Worm - Vibration Dampner is as of 9-11-2005. Please click through for current information and availability. Click here to comment on this featured Forten - Inch Worm - Vibration Dampner or any other Tennis Vibration Dampeners or to simply post a comment or article related to sporting goods.
In addition to the Forten - Inch Worm - Vibration Dampner on this page and other merchandise in the category of "Tennis Vibration Dampeners", we offer a number of other Tennis products, as well as a broad line of sporting goods in general.