Save your GPS from some of the scuffs and scrapes it could pick up in the line of duty. Durable carrying case features clear vinyl lens and holes for operating buttons so you can use your GPS and view the display. Includes Velcro flap closure, belt clip and lanyard connection.
The information above regarding this Garmin - Carrying Case for eTrex Series Handheld GPS is as of 9-11-2005. Please click through for current information and availability. Click here to comment on this featured Garmin - Carrying Case for eTrex Series Handheld GPS or any other Handheld GPS Units or to simply post a comment or article related to sporting goods.
In addition to the Garmin - Carrying Case for eTrex Series Handheld GPS on this page and other merchandise in the category of "Handheld GPS Units", we offer a number of other GPS Units products, as well as a broad line of sporting goods in general.