Makes a great gift for your favorite little fan!
Now girls can look cute wearing Steve Nash's jersey - in pink and at a great price! Reebok has made this jersey look and feel like the real thing, right down to the details, but at a price that'll make you stand up and cheer. Features include: Our standard return policy applies for this item.
The information above regarding this Steve Nash Phoenix Suns Girls Pink NBA Replica Jersey is as of 9-11-2005. Please click through for current information and availability. Click here to comment on this featured Steve Nash Phoenix Suns Girls Pink NBA Replica Jersey or any other Phoenix Suns Jerseys or to simply post a comment or article related to sporting goods.
In addition to the Steve Nash Phoenix Suns Girls Pink NBA Replica Jersey on this page and other merchandise in the category of "Phoenix Suns Jerseys", we offer a number of other Team Jerseys products, as well as a broad line of sporting goods in general.